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Karten von GideJan (Haves/Wants)

Hi fellow Magic enthusiasts,


I am big fan of bartering with Magic cards rather than just boringly selling/buying them, I am also a lot more interested in completing my Wants list than getting the best possible bargain. I possess much more cards than listed in my Haves as well, mostly from Fourth Edition to Urza, and then again from the Zendikar block, Scars of Mirrodin and Magic 2011, including some from Modern Masters. It can never hurt to contact me and ask to barter a bit, or as the immortal Monty Python's called it, haggle!  :)







Letztes Update27. February 2024 - 15:21

Have (Ich biete...) - 194 Magic-Karten

1Lightning BoltFarblos5_CForeign Black Borderde
Good (In Ordnung)
Good (In Ordnung)
--10.00 €-
1Warped DevotionFarblos6_UPlaneshiftus
Near-Mint (wie neu)
Near-Mint (wie neu)
-5.50 €-
1Goblin BombardmentFarblos6_UTempestde
Near-Mint (wie neu)
Near-Mint (wie neu)
--4.00 €-
1Reshape the EarthFarblos8_MCommander Legendsus
Near-Mint (wie neu)
Near-Mint (wie neu)
--3.50 €-
1CloneFarblos?Fourth Edition Foreign Black Borderde
Near-Mint (wie neu)
Near-Mint (wie neu)
--3.00 €-
1Rhys the RedeemedFarblos7_RShadowmoorus
Near-Mint (wie neu)
Near-Mint (wie neu)
--3.00 €-
1Leonin ArbiterFarblos7_RScars of Mirrodinus
Near-Mint (wie neu)
Near-Mint (wie neu)
--3.00 €-
1Lightning BoltFarblos5_CMagic 2011us
Near-Mint (wie neu)
Near-Mint (wie neu)
--3.00 €-
1CatastropheFarblos7_RUrza's Sagade
Excellent (Sehr gut)
Excellent (Sehr gut)
--2.50 €-
1Copper GnomesFarblos7_RUrza's Sagade
Near-Mint (wie neu)
Near-Mint (wie neu)
--1.00 €-
2Abbey GargoylesFarblos6_UFifth Editionde
Good (In Ordnung)
Good (In Ordnung)
Near-Mint (wie neu)
Near-Mint (wie neu)
1An-Havva ConstableFarblos7_RFifth Editionde
Near-Mint (wie neu)
Near-Mint (wie neu)
1Angelic BlessingFarblos5_CPortalde
Near-Mint (wie neu)
Near-Mint (wie neu)
1Angry MobFarblos6_UFifth Editionde
Near-Mint (wie neu)
Near-Mint (wie neu)
1Apes of RathFarblos6_UTempestde
Good (In Ordnung)
Good (In Ordnung)
Good (In Ordnung)
Good (In Ordnung)
1Barl's CageFarblos7_RFifth Editionde
Near-Mint (wie neu)
Near-Mint (wie neu)
1Clockwork BeastFarblos7_RFifth Editionde
Near-Mint (wie neu)
Near-Mint (wie neu)
1CloneFarblos6_URevised Editionde
Near-Mint (wie neu)
Near-Mint (wie neu)

Want (Ich suche ...) - 38 Magic-Karten

-Koth, Flamme des Widerstands-?-----
-Krenko der BossR7_R-----
-Krenko, Zinnstra゚enboss-?-----
-Krenkos BefehlR5_C-----
-Mechanisierte Kriegsf?rung-?-----
-Muxus der Goblin-Grande-?-----
-Pashalik MonsR7_R-----
-Squee, fragw?diger Monarch-?-----
-Standarte der GoblinsR6_U-----
-Torbran, Than von BluthallR7_R-----
-Unb舅diger Z?dling-?-----
-Wut der WildnisR6_U-----

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