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Der Karten-Tresor ist geöffnet !

Hallo und willkommen in meinem Handelsthread !


Zur Zeit suche ich ausschließlich die mit einem Stern markierten Wants und diese hauptsächlich als Foil bzw. Promo.


Meine Haves stehen auch alle zum Verkauf.

Letztes Updatevor 5 Minuten

Have (Ich biete...) - 713 Magic-Karten

1Delighted HalflingG7_RLord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earthus
Near-Mint (wie neu)
Near-Mint (wie neu)
1Flame of AnorUR7_RLord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earthus
Near-Mint (wie neu)
Near-Mint (wie neu)
1Gandalf the WhiteW8_MLord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earthde
Near-Mint (wie neu)
Near-Mint (wie neu)
1KarakasX?Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earthus
Near-Mint (wie neu)
Near-Mint (wie neu)
1Last March of the EntsG8_MLord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earthus
Near-Mint (wie neu)
Near-Mint (wie neu)
1Minamo, School at Water's EdgeX?Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earthus
Near-Mint (wie neu)
Near-Mint (wie neu)
2Mount DoomX8_MLord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earthus
Near-Mint (wie neu)
Near-Mint (wie neu)
1Saruman of Many ColorsWUB8_MLord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earthus
Near-Mint (wie neu)
Near-Mint (wie neu)
---Nr. 412
2Sauron, the Dark LordUBR8_MLord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earthus
Near-Mint (wie neu)
Near-Mint (wie neu)
1Witch-king of AngmarB8_MLord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earthus
Near-Mint (wie neu)
Near-Mint (wie neu)
2Boromir, Warden of the TowerW7_RLord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earthus
Near-Mint (wie neu)
Near-Mint (wie neu)
1Call of the RingB7_RLord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earthus
Near-Mint (wie neu)
Near-Mint (wie neu)
1Delighted HalflingG7_RLord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earthus
Near-Mint (wie neu)
Near-Mint (wie neu)
1Elven ChorusG7_RLord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earthus
Near-Mint (wie neu)
Near-Mint (wie neu)
1Elven ChorusG7_RLord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earthus
Near-Mint (wie neu)
Near-Mint (wie neu)
1Elvish MarinerU7_RLord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earthus
Near-Mint (wie neu)
Near-Mint (wie neu)
1Gandalf the WhiteW8_MLord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earthus
Near-Mint (wie neu)
Near-Mint (wie neu)
1Legolas, Master ArcherG7_RLord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earthde
Near-Mint (wie neu)
Near-Mint (wie neu)
---Extras, V.2
1Lórien RevealedU5_CLord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earthus
Near-Mint (wie neu)
Near-Mint (wie neu)
1Lotho, Corrupt ShirriffWB7_RLord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earthus
Near-Mint (wie neu)
Near-Mint (wie neu)

Want (Ich suche ...) - 76 Magic-Karten

1Another RoundW7_ROutlaws of Thunder Junction---EDH (Arcades)
1Cactusfolk SureshotRG6_UOutlaws of Thunder Junction---EDH (Vrondiss)
1Insatiable AvariceB7_ROutlaws of Thunder Junction---EDH (Strefan)
1Jagged BarrensX5_COutlaws of Thunder Junction---EDH (Strefan)
1Jolene, Plundering PugilistRG6_UOutlaws of Thunder Junction---EDH (Vrondiss)
1Outcaster TrailblazerG7_ROutlaws of Thunder Junction---EDH (Vrondiss)
1Hide in Plain SightG7_RMurders at Karlov Manor---EDH
1Incinerator of the GuiltyR8_MMurders at Karlov Manor---EDH (Vrondiss)
1No More LiesWU6_UMurders at Karlov Manor--Nur in FOIL !!!
1Sanctuary WallW6_UMurders at Karlov Manor--Nur in FOIL !!!
1Sword of Once and FutureX8_MMarch of the Machine--Nur in FOIL !!!
1Bonehoard DracosaurR8_MLost Caverns of Ixalan---EDH (Vrondiss)
1Stalactite StalkerB7_RLost Caverns of Ixalan---Modern
1DissipateU6_UInnistradde--Nur aus INN und Deutsch !!!
1Zagoth TriomeX7_RIkoria: Lair of Behemoths---Sammlung
2Thought ScourU5_CIconic Masters---Nur aus IMA !!!
1Goblin GuideR7_RGrand Prix Promosus-Nur die GP Promo !!!
3DismemberB?Friday Night Magic Promosde-Nur FNM-Promo und Deutsch !!!
1Kitchen FinksWG?Friday Night Magic Promos--Nur FNM-Promo !!!
2Lingering SoulsW?Friday Night Magic Promosde-Nur FNM-Promo und Deutsch !!!

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