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Commander (EDH) Regeländerungen/Bannings

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#1 Kampfgebäck Geschrieben 14. Dezember 2010 - 21:33


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Heute wurden die neuen Regeländerungen bekanntgegben, ab dem 20.12.2010 gilt:

Regeländerung: Color Identity, was Generäle wie Memnarch z.B. ermöglicht.

Gebannt: Emrakul, the Aeons Torn

Wer zu faul zum klicken ist, hier das Update:

Color Identity (which will be added to the Magic Comprehensive Rules)

Rule #2 is amended as follows:
When building a Commander deck, the mana symbols in the text box are just as important as those in the cost of a card. The Commander’s color identity restricts what cards may appear in the deck.

* The color identity of a card is the colors of all mana symbols on the card, along with any color defined by a characteristic-defining ability (CDA) in the card's rules text.

* Cards in your deck may not have any colors in their color identity not shared by your Commander.

* Mana you produce of colors that are not in your Commander’s color identity is colorless instead.

* Mana symbols in reminder text are not part of color identity.

The major impact here is that there are a few Legendary Creatures who no longer invalidate themselves as Commanders: Memnarch, Bosh, Iron Golem, Thelon of Havenwood, Daughter of Autumn, and Rhys, the Exiled. It means that you can have these creatures as Commanders, and you can generate mana of their color identity (so if you’re playing Memnarch, you can generate blue mana, or if you’re playing Thelon, you can generate black and green).

Die passende Diskussion dazu findet ihr hier auf MTG Salvation.


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