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Damage Multiplication

13. Februar 2016 - 18:24



I got 2 questions considering damage multiplication.


1. Question


Scenario :


Two Dictate of the Twin Gods are on the field. They say if a source would deal damage it would deal double that damage instead.


If iI play a Lightning Bolt ( which does 3 damage) how many damage would be dealt in the outcome? 


1.1 Is it that when I play Lightning Bolt , the first Dictate of the Twin Gods says : double the Damage which is then 3+3=6 and then the second Dictate of the Twin Gods says: double the damage of the source again which would be 3+3+3=9 ?


1.2.  Is it that when I play Lightning Bolt , the first Dictate of the Twin Gods says : double the Damage which is then 3+3=6 and then the second Dictate of the Twin Gods says: double the damage which means then 6+6=12 ?




Scenario : 


There is one Dictate of the Twin Gods as well as a Boros Reckoner on the field. Boros Reckoner says : Whenever this creature is dealt damage it deals that much damage to target creature or player. 


If I would play a Lightning Bolt now on Boros Reckoner what would happen?


2.1. I play Lighning Bolt and The Dictate of the Twin Gods doubles the 3 damage to 6. These 6 damage hit the Boros Reckoner. And now the Boros Reckoners deals 6 damage to target creature / player ?


2.2 I play Lighning Bolt and The Dictate of the Twin Gods doubles the 3 damage to 6. These 6 damage hit the Boros Reckoner. And now the 6 damage the Boros Reckoner would deal are doubled again from the Dictate of the twin Gods as it is a new source so it would deal 6*2= 12 damage to target player / creature ?


Let me know what you think and if possible refer to the rulings. 


Thanks for any help !

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